Sunday, May 17, 2020

Prelude — from the river to Morraine's Sanctuary.

I dare not let my gaze waiver; we are locked eye-to-eye, this Karrox and I.

Nissus begins to slowly - so slowly - untether her shield from her shoulder, getting it into position, drawing her long knife, stepping softly to her right - always with her eyes on the Karrox.  Mojo stands, hackles raised, growling.  The giant cat-thing hisses and breaks for Nissus!

My knife drawn I curse the loss of my good blade. I shift my gaze for just a moment to Mojo when it strikes! RHUN! this creature is fast! I raise my shield just in time, catching his foreclaw, but it's strength sends me sideways. 

[clash: a strong hit!]  
I swirl aside as it lands panther-quick, but my blade slashes its shoulder!
[2 harm & Nissus has initiative... a quick series of back and forth, with a single shift in Iniative back to the Karrox before Nissus wins it. Mojo harries the beasts' flanks, giving Nissus opportunities to strike as it pivots in turn to face each opponent. Burning Momentum (+6), she is able to strike a grievous blow; one that ends the fight. She and Mojo emerge victorious, but with some cost: 2 Harm.]
So. This is a Karrox, eh Mojo? Bigger, and faster than I thought. The mutt sniffs the warm corpse, whines and steps back to the edge of the copse. He is still unsettled, and truth be told, so am I. If I hadn't been quicker, we both would have been its snack. 

Nissus continues her journey, eventually making camp, recovering 1 Health. 

At the end of several days, I arrived, a little bedraggled and wounded from my fight with the Karrox. It occurs to me now that I should have taken its pelt to keep me warm in the coming winter. But fuck it, it was literally dead weight. That said, it's claw will make a nice souvenir for my wall back home when I return with Aered. The thought of relating the story of how I faced a Karrox to him, eyes wide, disbelieving, makes me smile. But sad also. 

We arrive at high sun; walk the perimeter. There at the center is the timbered ruins of the sanctuary.  It's in fair condition, with most of the walls intact, its roof largely missing.  The outlying buildings, most of wood, some of stone, are crumbled and overgrown with moss and lichens. A healthy young oak grows through the broken timbered roof of one.  
[We begin to Delve... a series of strong and weak hits allow us to progress quite steadily]
A series of statues are placed about the grounds, but they've lost their heads... chip marks mar the necks. The heads are missing... who does this?!

After some searching, I find a hidden entrance into the main shrine, which opens into a room with a large mural to Morraine. Filled with iconography depicting her past and good works conducted for her people. And there! in the corner, a set of crumbly stone stairs descend into the depths.

Clearly this place was built as a literal sanctuary. The pathway here is designed to be easily defended by 1 or 2 people at a stretch, with other defensible positions within reach. The door, still intact, is heavy oak and can be barred, and it is recessed allowing defenders to attack their assailants from safe position. Good for them. I wonder if it served them well in the days of this battle that Polliver and Themon were at.  There are no remains here in the corridors...
[A strong hit on the delve, with an opportunity!]
After wandering the crumbling corridors and rooms of the undercroft of this sanctuary, I come to a hidden bolt hole that leads back above ground. I emerge into late, afternoon light. It's hazy with motes of dust and pollen in the air. Before me though lies rough ground with the marker of the cowards' grave before me.... 
[I decide to end this Delve and attempt to locate my objective... a weak hit.  I find it, but there's a potential threat or difficulty to navigate.]
I see Polliver's shield, broken in twain as is our tradition for those who die a cowards death at a battle, but his sigil can still be seen on the shield, damaged, yes, but visible enough. But I am not alone....

The cadaverous form of a human (I think?) approaches me from the shadows of the sanctuary... he interposes himself between me and my prize. He calls himself Dev... but he's earnest and sincere. He claims this is a false cowards' grave (he claims to have the sight) and I am unsettled by this. He's right, and I tell him so.

"I must make things right with this shield. Will you let me have it?"

"Stay awhile, and listen, and perhaps I can share some of my mead, and you can share your food. It is close to evening, and I will share the secrets of this place. Come morning, you can take your prize and some knowledge."

We strike an accord; I'll take the shield, and spare some of the supplies I have, he'll share his mead and some stories, and we'll both come out ahead. We spend the evening trading stories, he tells me about this place and the people who visit, including the dark things that he avoids. I tell him about life in the islands, the thrill of the raiding, and I begin telling him a happy memory of last summer when Aered and I stole our grandfathers boat and went off to Blavicken to steal their ale, but I grow quiet. Grandfather has gone back to the mud, and Aered... his story is not over yet. Or so I tell myself. I tell this old man, the past lies unquiet at times, but I shall need my rest for the journey back to Highwatch tomorrow. He nods and we go to our sleep. I with loyal Mojo next to me, and he, to somewhere in the dark ruins of the sanctuary. The idea of sleeping underground ... repulsive.

Perhaps on my next visit, I shall ask Cadaverous Dev why the statues are missing.

[I strike a Bond with ol' Cadaverous Dev, and mark a milestone/progress on my quest to quiet this eidolon of Highwatch]

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