— it says of the Deep Wilds: "The vast swath of ancient forest is largely uninhabited and unexplored by Ironlanders. Most avoid this region."
Sounds lovely. I feel as a result, this battle will have taken place at the former site of a settlement or fortification; I will let the oracles decide. For now, my map looks like this:
Let's name this site something, and learn a little about the history of what came to pass. Let's roll! For theme I roll Hallowed (a place of great reverence, suffused with the power of the old gods), and domain is Ruin. Well, of course it is. So a Hallowed Ruin. Let's roll on the Site Name — We get Description + Place of Namesake.
100 on Description gives me RUINED. It's almost like this is fate... Place is Sanctuary, also apropos. Finally, Morraine. So, the Ruined Sanctuary of Morraine. Since it's a hallowed ruin I am thinking Morraine is a revered saint or goddess. Let's go Saint. Let's worldbuild...
Nissus recalls hazy details of the saint Morraine. She was the consort of a great king (name tbd), but was kinder of heart than her warmongering king, and used his great wealth in displays of piety and to offer succor to the dead & dying. She had waypoints built along major routes from her husbands Caer in the Havens out to the sea. These waypoints became natural places for travelers to place offerings, inter their dead along the route to their destination, etc. This particular sanctuary was built along a natural resource (clean water likely) and was developed over the decades and into the last century. What caused it to fall into ruins?Why was it fought over? And where in the 5 hells will I find Pollivers
Okay. Time to flesh out a bit of the world. Per the rules, I need to go through my world Truths.
World Building — My Ironlands Truths
The Old World
Selected: the savage clans called the Skulde invaded the kingdoms of the Old World. Our armies fell. Most were killed or taken into slavery. We escaped to the Ironlands, having endured a months-long voyage. Created: This hard land was settled before us, but is sparse and wild. My people arrived some 13 generations ago. Memories of the old world are distant and hazy, but it was rumored we once hailed from a land of milk and honey.
Selected: The weather is bleak; rain and sleet sweep in from the ocean. Winters are long and bitter, so summers are treasured. "Only those made of iron dare live in this foul place." We have become a hardy and tough people, suited to the harsh ways of this place. created: it is known that most of the Firstborn shun Iron, and the dark creatures are wounded as if burned by the strike of our iron... assuming once can land a hit against them.
Selected: Before the Ironlanders, before even the firstborn, another people lived here. Their ancient ruins are found throughout the Ironlands.
We live in communities, ranging in size from steadings with a few families, to villages with several hundred. Some are nomadic, and within the last 5 generations, some have grown into small towns with low fortifications.
Selected: numerous clan-chiefs rule over petty domains. Most are intent on becoming the one true king. Their squabbles will be our undoing.
selected: our warbands are rallied to strike at our enemies or defend our holdings. The banners of the warbands are adorned with depictions of their Old World history. created: Named Men/Women are warriors of great reknown, known for their bravery and strength in battle, and their victories in the circle. Carls are household warriors and settlement chiefs in service to a clan-chief, and lead their thralls in battle (themselves barely trained or poorly armed warriors drawn from their communities.
selected: the firstborn live in isolation and are fiercely protective of their own lands.
selected: monstrous beasts stalk the wild areas of the Ironlands
Selected/created: We are wary of the dark forests and the deep caves for monsters lurk in those places. Only fools venture far from their homes on the new moon.
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